Transform your Relationships with Nonviolent Communication

Discover the transformative power of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in our upcoming workshop and experience its connective potential. Dive into the principles that dissolve conflicts across personal, organizational, and even political settings and gain valuable insights for navigating academia as an early career researcher. Join us and learn how to avoid misunderstandings and clashes with your supervisors and colleagues and how to handle tricky situations at conferences with confidence. 


Christian Albert, Office for Conflict Counseling at the University of Vienna

Target group

Doctoral candidates in the humanities, the social sciences, and theology and research on religion 


17 June 2024, 9:00 - 12:00 


Meeting room at the Dean’s office of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Staircase 8, 2nd Floor, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna


Via e-mail to until 30 May 2024 („first-come-first-served“, max. 15 participants from all three fields)