Doctoral Candidates at the Research Cluster East European and Eurasian Studies
- Orkun Arslan
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mueller - Vadym Bondar
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mueller - Lukas Becht
Supervisors: Philipp Ther, Martin Schulze Wessel (LMU Munich) - Artur Bulakh
Supervisors: Wolfgang Mueller, Dieter Pohl - Ninja Bumann
Supervisor: Kerstin S. Jobst - Mihajlo Džamtovski
Supervisor: Basema Hamarneh - Amin Esmaeilzadeh Aghjeh
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mueller - Oleg Friesen
Supervisor: Kerstin S. Jobst - Ana Guboglo
Supervisor: Kerstin S. Jobst - Maria Jagodzinska
Supervisors: Kerstin S. Jobst, Adrian Brisku - Daniel Jerke
Supervisor: Jannis Panagiotidis - Enid Kem
Supervisor: Jannis Panagiotidis - Lars Kravagna
Supervisors: Jannis Panagiotidis/Jochen Oltmer - Oleksandra Krushynska
Supervisor: Kerstin S. Jobst - Nedzad Kuc
Supervisor: Marija Wakounig - Danilo Lo Coco
Supervisor: Wolfgang Müller - Olga Malashkina
Supervisor: Wolfgang Müller - Vicko Marelic
Supervisor: Alojz Ivanisevic - Tomaz Mesaric
Supervisor: Marija Wakounig - Jakob Mischke
Supervisors: Kerstin S. Jobst, Johannes Feichtinger - Yuki Murata
Supervisor: Börries Kuzmany - Luděk Němec
Supervisor: Marija Wakounig - Judith Ramharter
Supervisors: Andreas E. Müller, Maria Stassinopoulou - Andrea Rendl
Supervisors: Kerstin v. Lingen, Kerstin S. Jobst - Joanna Rozmus
Supervisor: Philipp Ther - Rifet Rustemovic
Supervisor: Alojz Ivanisevic - Marko Saric
Supervisor: Marija Wakounig - Dejan Segic
Supervisor: Alojz Ivanisevic - Hannah Steckelberg
Supervisors: Kerstin Jobst, Börries Kuzmany - Benedikt Stimmer
Supervisor: Christoph Augustynowicz, Agnieszka Pufelska - Daria Tashkinova
Supervisor: Jannis Panagiotidis - Marcel Thiel
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mueller - Thomas Varkonyi
Supervisors: Christoph Augustynowicz, Andrea Seidler - Stephanie Ziehaus
Supervisor: Friedrich Edelmayer