Activities & Events Semester 2024/25

Colloquia & Seminars

The DSHCS offers colloquia and seminars to all doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies. Courses aim to train doctoral candidates to become independently and critically thinking researchers who conduct cutting-edge research on the basis of thorough methodological and theoretical reflection. 

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DSHCS Workshops and Trainings

Each semester,. the DSHCS offers workshops on academic writing, methodology, transferable skills, and career development which focus on the specific needs of doctoral candidates in the humanities.

Activities in Research Clusters

Students are encouraged to set up and join working groups to collaborate on topics, methods, and projects of common interest. Working groups provide an opportunity for students to develop an agenda for themselves, and moreover to benefit from peer-to-peer learning and open and flexible modes of working. The Doctoral School supports student's initiatives organizationally and financially.


Podcast Doctor it!

The podcast of PhD candidates in the humanities and the social sciences at the University of Vienna

International Conferences and Workshops

Die Fellows organize with the support of the DSHCS international conferences and workshop which foster their research, international networking, their and the DSHCS' visibility. 

DSHCS Running Club

We are happy to introduce a new athletic initiative. If you're training for the Vienna City Marathon next spring or are just looking for likeminded running buddies, the Running Club is for you!

Work it! Career Day 2024

The Career Day 2024 for doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences is an exciting opportunity for you to explore various career paths and gain valuable insights from professionals in a range of fields. As you embark on the next phase of your professional journey, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the diverse career options available to you. This event will provide you with a chance to connect with individuals who have successfully navigated the job market and can offer you practical advice and guidance.

DSHCS Summer Party & Award Ceremony for the Grete Mostny Dissertation Prize 2024

We invite all fellows, postdocs, supervisors, and staff to the DSHCS Summer Party and the award ceremony for the Grete Mostny Dissertation Prize 2024!

coming soon!