About us

The Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, founded in 2020, is one of the largest Doctoral Schools at the University of Vienna. It is the central coordination, advice, and service unit for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies. At the moment, it is made up of seven research clusters, nine fields of doctoral research, and sixteen departments. Its intellectual community combines expertise from different fields within the broad umbrella of historical and cultural studies. The interests of the faculty range from archaeology to contemporary history, ancient and Byzantine studies, Egyptology, art history, numismatics, and European ethnology, thus covering thousands of years, various topics and approaches, and regions all over the world. Faculty, student and staff aspire to create a vibrant and inspiring community where ideas flourish and intellectual and personal connections are made.

Who we are

What we offer

  • Intensive supervision of dissertation projects by internationally renowned researchers and through joint supervision
  • Structured doctoral program with an intensive, interesting course program
  • Financial support for research, travel, conferences, and publications
  • Networking and cohort building in student initiatives and summer/winter schools
  • Workshops on project management, academic writing, science communication, transferable skills etc.

Code of Good Practice of the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies & Code of Good Conduct of the University of Vienna