Kristina Kogler




Kristina Kogler studied Art History at the University of Vienna. Her master thesis Studien zum Codex Admontensis 22 - Eine frühe illustrierte Rechtshandschrift aus Italien in klösterlichem Besitz was supervised by Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz. She was part of the FWF projects Die illuminierten Handschriften der ÖNB - Mitteleuropäische Schulen VIII and Illuminierte Inkunabeln in der ÖNB - Mitteleuropäische Schulen 1450-1475. From 2016 to 2020 she was a member of the Vienna Doctoral Academy: Medieval Academy. She also organized and participated in several international conferences. Kristina Kogler received a doctoral research grant from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (October 2017 - September 2020). In 2019 she was awarded a fellowship at the Historical Institute in Rome. Moreover, Kristina Kogler studied Law at the University of Vienna, where she also obtained several diplomas (Law of Culture, Business Law, European Law and Technology Law). She has worked at a number of law firms and courts in Vienna, Brussels and Dresden.

Research interests: Her research interest is medieval art history, especially illuminated manuscripts. Having studied both Art History and Law she developed a deep interest in law manuscripts from the 13th and 14th century written and illuminated in Iberia, Italy and France.

Current research project: Vidal Mayor – Die Bebilderung einer aragonesischen Rechtshandschrift im Vergleich mit den Illustrationen des Corpus iuris civilis (PhD thesis supervised by o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Viktor Schwarz).
Legal manuscripts form an extensive part of medieval book illumination. One of them – the Vidal Mayor (Ms. Ludwig XIV 6, Getty Museum) – is considered as an extraordinarily well-preserved legislation document that depicts the feudal order of the Kingdom of Aragon and as an important example of book illumination around 1300. The illustrations of the manuscript and their comparison with the images of the Corpus iuris civilis are the focus of this PhD project. Specifically, the project deals with the function and the purpose of the Vidal Mayor. Further central questions concern the identity of the commissioner and the functions of the individual illumination levels (miniatures, images in the margins). The possibility of certain forms of visualization in relation to the legal text should always be taken into consideration. Moreover, a comparison of the Vidal Mayor with manuscripts containing the Corpus iuris civilis will be made in order to focus on (similar) representations of comparable legal content. The methodology used is based on the investigation of the relationship between the text and the images, the iconographic analyses, the investigation of the layout and the structure of the book decoration. Moreover, individual elements such as people, gestures and objects will be compared with each other. To achieve the above mentioned goals, a partly interdisciplinary approach will be used, which is composed of art and legal history. However, art historical considerations are always the main focus of the dissertation project.


  • together with Alexander Marx, Gerd Micheluzzi, Reflexionen über die Anwendung von Erzähltheorie auf das Mittelalter, in: Matthias Meyer (Hg.), Narrare – producere – ordinare. New Approaches to the Middle Ages, voraussichtlich 2020, S. 9-23.
  • Legitimation und Ordnungsfunktion des Rechts am Beispiel des Vidal Mayor, in: Matthias Meyer (Hg.), Narrare – producere – ordinare. New Approaches to the Middle Ages, voraussichtlich 2020, S. 201-203.
  • Die illuminierten Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Mitteleuropäische Schulen VIII (in preparation).