Paula Lange



Paula Lange is a historian and a recipient of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s scholarship for doctoral studies. She holds a bachelor’s degree in History and Eastern European Studies from the University of Hamburg and a master’s degree in Public History from the Free University of Berlin.  Since January 2022 she is a doctoral student at the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna and a fellow of the Doctoral School for Historical and Cultural Studies. Her PhD-project, supervised by Claudia Kraft, focuses on the transnational interrelations between German, Jewish and Polish women’s movements in the Eastern provinces of Prussia between 1880-1930.

Research interests: Gender History, History of Central and Eastern Europe, Memory Politics in Poland and Germany, History of state socialism 

Current research project: Transnational interrelations between German, Jewish and Polish women’s movements in the Eastern provinces of Prussia between 1880-1930
While women’s movements at the end of the 19th century differed considerably in their political and social backgrounds, they had strikingly similar demands regarding women’s right to vote, education, employment, maternity rights, and broader moral questions. Thus, this project examines the question whether individual actors and organized groups among these women’s movements in the Eastern provinces of Prussia interacted with each other.


  • (Redaktion) FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum (Hrsg.): Koloniale Verstrickungen. Neue Sichtweisen auf die Kolonialgeschichte Friedrichshain-Kreuzbergs, Oktober 2021.
  • „Ist gesichert, dass sich Frau Meinhof künftig in ihrer Lehrtätigkeit verfassungskonform verhalten wird?“ Ulrike Meinhofs Lehrauftrag am Institut für Publizistik, in: Maria Löblich / Niklas Venema (Hrsg.): Regierungszeit des Mittelbaus? Annäherungen an die Berliner Publizistikwissenschaft nach der Studentenbewegung, Köln 2020, S. 378-395.
  • Frauen der Solidarność. Die Marginalisierung weiblichen Widerstands während des Streiksommers 1980 in der polnischen Erinnerungskultur, August 2020, in: Zeitgeschichte-online,