DSHCS Publication Grant (Proofreading)
Die Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies promotes the international visibility of the research of its fellows. It offers grants to fund proofreading services for publications of DSHCS fellows in peer-reviewed journals and volumes which are relevant for their dissertation projects. The grant amounts to 350 Euros per publication.
Promotion of the international visibility of the research of DSHCS fellows through publication grants to fund proofreading services for publications in peer-reviewed journals and volumes in a different language than the author’s native language.
Fellows of the DSHCS without sufficient funding by third-party funds who have successfully passed the FÖP, who participate in the DSHCS's activities (e.g. regular attendance at one of the colloquia) and have a profile on our website and who seek to present first results of their research to the international academic community.
Max. 350 Euro; editors will receive a "Werkvertrag" and be paid upon the presentation of the copy-edited text; the DSHCS can help to find an editor.
Time frame
At the latest one month after the completion of proofreading, the manuscript must be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. The applicant must inform the DSHCS about the outcome of the review process.
How to apply
on a rolling basis via email to dshcs.hkw@univie.ac.at; decisions will be made three times a year (October 31, March 31, June 30) and the applicant will be notified four to six weeks later.
Required documents (as ONE PDF file):
- Completed and signed application form
- Abstract of the manuscript including a statement about the manuscript’s relevance for the dissertation and a statement about the choice of journal/volume (max. 3 pages)
- Curriculum vitae with details about previous academic achievements (e.g. publications, awards, or conference participation), and employments
Additionally, a letter of recommendation by the applicant’s supervisor is required. It should refer to the manuscript’s relevance for the dissertation project and to its quality regarding complexity of argumentation, quality of method, relevance for the discipline. Together with a confirmation that there is no funding from other sources (third-party and institute funds) the letter should be sent directly to dshcs.hkw@univie.ac.at.
For further questions send an email to dshcs.hkw@univie.ac.at or call 01 4277-40008