PhDs on Tour

As the new organizers of PhDs on Tour, we, Anna-Marie Kroupová (Cultural Heritage Studies Center) and Erika Meneghini (Department of Art History) seek to make PhDs on Tour accessible and inclusive to fellow PhD students from different disciplines and backgrounds by changing the official language to English, opening up excursions to accessible locations, and staging them around contemporary events.

This expansion aligns with our commitment to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and interaction among the diverse group of PhD Candidates at the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies. By engaging academically with diverse objects on site in a playful, non-hierarchical and informal atmosphere, we aim to promote enriching discussions and confrontations, combining our expertise in different academic fields. On the one hand, this will help local and foreign graduate students to get to know Austrian cultural heritage more deeply. On the other hand, it will help the participants to develop their soft skills in a casual way and to get in touch with fellow students with similar interests.

Anna-Marie Kroupová & Erika Meneghini

Vienna City Museum, June 11, 2024, 12:00-14:00

We’ll spend an hour together visiting the new permanent exhibition spaces – tickets on us! But we also have a special treat in store for you – we will have the opportunity to chat for an hour with the museum’s director, Matti Bunzl, who was part of the curatorial and design team behind the museum’s renovation and new collection display.

Register, mark your calendars for 11 June between 12–2 pm and meet us in front of the newly reopened Vienna City Museum (Wien Museum) on Karlsplatz!

Space is limited, so be sure to RSVP by 31 May to secure your place! 

Queer City Walk, March 16, 2024, 14:30-16:30 

Join us on the Queer City Walk to explore Vienna's LGBTQ+ history! Starting at the main building of the University, we'll delve into the perception of homosexuality in medicine and law. We will also discover a rainbow family from the Biedermeier era, a love story at the Burgtheater, and the significance of Vienna City Hall, including the Life Ball and the history of AIDS. Finally, we will learn about recent developments in homosexuality and legislation at the Parliament, and then stroll through the Volksgarten to Heldenplatz for a glimpse of the Baroque era.

Join us on March 16 at 14:30 in front of the steps of the main building of the University of Vienna for an approximately 2-hour walk to Heldenplatz.

Places are limited, so RSVP by email soon! First come, first served