Supervisors at the Research Cluster Art History and Visual Culture

  • Helen Ahner
    Everyday life history; material culture in everyday life; affect and emotion; gender; technology; sport; museum; pop culture
  • Christoph Augustynowicz
    Eastern European history of the early modern period
  • Sebastian Egenhofer
    Modern art history
  • Noémi Etienne
    Art history, heritage studies, postcoloniality, history and theory of conservation
  • Achim Gnann
    Art history of the Renaissance with a focus on drawings and prints
  • Sandra Hindriks
    Northern Alpine Painting of the 15th and 16th centuries, Theories of the image and visual perception in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, Painting in dialogue with philosophy and theology
  • Marianne Koos
    Modern European art history (1450 - 1900), gender and postcolonialism, materiality and agentiality of art
  • Peter Janósi
    Egyptology; history of construction; 19th-century history; iconography
  • Lukas Nickel 
    Art history of Asia with a focus on China
  • Andreas Nierhaus
    History and theory of architecture (19th to 21st century), sculpture (19th century)
  • Wolfram Pichler
    Modern art history; art theory
  • Markus Ritter
    Islamic art history with a focus on Persia/Iran
  • Raphael Rosenberg
    Late antique, medieval, and modern art history
  • Sebastian Schütze
    Modern art history with a focus on the Baroque
  • Michael Viktor Schwarz
    Medieval art history
  • Stefan Zahlmann 
    Modern history