Rogelio Toledo Martin





 I am a doctoral candidate in Byzantine Studies at the University of Vienna. I have a BA in Classics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and an MA in Altphilologie at the Freie Universität Berlin. In addition, prior to my Master's studies, I also completed a one-year program at the Polis Institute Jerusalem, a language school where Ancient Greek is taught as a living language. For three years I worked as a Latin and Ancient Greek teacher for different institutions, until I co-founded Triodos-Trivium in Berlin, my own organization devoted to the teaching of Ancient Greek and Latin.
From the very beginning of my studies, I developed a great interest in the relationship between grammar and philosophy within ancient languages. As a teacher of languages, I also enjoy exploring Byzantine methods used by the scholars of the time in schedographies, didactic poems, and manuals on rhetoric.

Research interests: Byzantine philosophy (reception of logic and dialectic), education in Byzantium, social and cultural function of poetry in Byzantium, linguistics. 

Current research project: My overarching purpose is to prepare a philosophical-historical commentary of the never before edited 1700 verse didactic poem written by the 12th century scholar, Johannes Tzetzes, on Porphyry's Isagoge to Aristotle's Categories. A comprehensive study of this overlooked work is still lacking. Tzetzes's commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge should be reconsidered and reevaluated in the same way as has been done more recently with some of his other works, i.e. using modern literary theories and historical-critical methods that consider the texts within the sociocultural and literary context in which they were produced, rather than focusing exclusively on features related to the imitation of ancient and classical models, or viewing them simply as repositories of lost Ancient Greek material. To this end, however, it is first necessary that I prepare a critical edition of this text in order to provide a basis for further investigation.


  • Speech act conditionals in two works of  Cicero: In Verrem and Ad Atticum, “Pallas”, 102, 2016, 247-254.
  • Lūcubrātiōnēs Gelliānae, in Antonio María Martín Rodríguez (ed.). Linguisticae dissertationes: current perspectives on Latin grammar, lexicon and pragmatics, Ediciones Clásicas, 2021, 161-170.