Liudmila Eramova
Research interests: Medieval history, Early Modern history, Religious, cultural and social studies, Russian history, cult of saints
Current research project: My current study is dedicated to the synaxis of Russian hierarchs, in which I am interested for a few years already. At the end of the 16th century, the cult of the three Moscow metropolitans Peter, Aleksei, and Iona was established. These saints were revered as patrons of all Orthodox Russia. In the middle of the 17th century metropolitan Philip was added as fourth. At the beginning of the 20th century, patriarch Hermogenes was ranked fifth. At the end of the 20th century, seven more saints – all metropolitans or patriarchs – were included in this veneration, thus enlarging the synaxis from three to twelve saints in a span of a few centuries. This multi-component veneration exhibited a surprising resilience as it was easily subjected to the augmentation of the number of saints. The long-standing tradition of this practice made me question the very concept of synaxis and its role in the religious life of pre-modern and modern Russian society.
- with Kamenskiy, Aleksandr: Zhizn' i priklyucheniya sochinitelya "Sibirskikh zametok" / "Sibirskie zametki" chinovnika i sochinitelya Ippolita Kanarskogo v obrabotke M. Vladimirovskogo. – Moskva: Izdatel'skiy dom Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki, 2021. – PP. 9–46. [= Life and Adventures of the Author of "Siberian Notes" / in "Siberian Notes" by the official and the author Hippolyte Kanarsky, edited by M. Vladimirov.]
- Kult tryokh moskovskikh svyatiteley Petra, Alexiya i Iony v XVI–XVII vv. // Istoriya Rossii s drevneyshikh vremen do XXI veka: problemy, diskussii, novye vzglyady. – M., 2020. – PP. 37–43. [=The Cult of the Three Moscow Saints Peter, Aleksei, and Iona in the 16th–17th Centuries].