The Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, founded in 2020, is one of the largest Vienna Doctoral Schools at the University of Vienna. Its doctoral program intends to provide a cutting-edge scientific training for doctoral candidates in all fields of historical and cultural studies. The DSHCS aims at attracting excellent students from all over the world and guides them them towards research at the forefront of historical and cultural studies in a vibrant and dynamic community in the heart of Europe.

 News & Events


End-of-semester conference of the colloquium East European and Eurasian Studies, June 28, 2022


On Juli 24, 2022 we are going to Marchegg Palace to visit the Lower Austria State Exhibition "Marchfeld Secrets"


Consumption of Everyday Goods in Social Spaces in pre-Modern Times, July 7-9, 2022


Video with Lonneke Delpeut

Award | Fellowship

of the Association of the Study of Nationalities in the category "Central Europe"


Deadline for a reply is June 10, 2022