Scholarly Soundbites - "Elevator Pitches" with ORF Journalists

Together with the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion, we offer a workshop in science communication. 

You have the opportunity to present your research project as "elevator pitch"  to four journalists who work in the departments culture and religion at the ORF and provide insights into an topic which might be of interested for Austrian public broadcasting cooperation.  Moreover, you practice to communicate your research to a broader audience and try out first steps in science communication. If you want to participate, we invite you to prepare a short pitch of 3-5 minutes by answering the following questions (in English or German):  

  • Please name your name and discipline.
  • In three sentences: What is your research about? 
  • Why is the problem you are tackling/your topic interesting and relevant?
  • How does it relate to current society and/or debates?

Time & venue

13 June 2024, 3:00pm - 5:00pm, Dekanatssitzungssaal of the KTF, second flour, staircase 8, main building 

Target group

Doctoral candidates of the DSHCS and the VDTR who work in the fields of cultural history and religion


Slots are limited (first come, first serve) please register by sending an email to