Histcult:doc Fellows 2020

Clara-Anna Egger


Clara-Anna Egger studied History and English and American Studies at the University of Vienna. She graduated with a diploma thesis (Mag.a phil.) on Austrian post-war women in the culture of remembrance and the homogenization of the living realities of these women. In October 2020 she was awarded the Histcult:doc Fellowship of the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies. Her current research project, supervised by Johanna Gehmacher and Nadja Gernalzick,  “Practicing Feminist Internationalism” deals with the internationalization of the women’s peace movement 1918 – 1939.

Research Interests: Women’s and Gender History, 20th Century Women’s Rights Activism, Pacifism and Pacifist Movements, Travel History, Auto-/Biography Studies.

Current Research Project: After the Great War, the women’s rights movement successfully reconstituted and came to fore with the aim to further facilitate cross-border connections and expand the international feminist network born out of the suffrage movement. The three major international women’s movement organizations (ICW, IAW and WILPF) sought to adapt to a new prevalent sense of internationalism after World War I. In my thesis, I will focus on the lesser-researched Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom; the oldest, still existing women’s peace organization in the world. For the members of WILPF feminism and pacifism were closely intertwined, and with the deeply rooted conviction that without permanent peace, women will not obtain equality to men, WILPF tried to advance their cause by using various methods. One of such were the travels of the members who could afford to voyage extensively. In my project, I will follow the tracks of some members of the British and US-American WILPF sections on their journeys through Continental Europe from 1919 to 1939. In analyzing autobiographical writings (e.g., letters, diaries) and the official WILPF documents, I seek to demonstrate how the activists used traveling to advocate for peace and women’s rights. Furthermore, I will investigate how the feminist pacifists evaluated the instable situation in Continental Europe after the Great War and the years preceding WWII.

Peter Hinterndorfer




Studied History (BA 2014, MA 2021) as well as Prehistory and Historical Archaeology (BA 2014, MA 2019) at the University of Vienna; Since 2014 research associate in several projects on Contemporary History and Historical Archaeology; Since 2020 University Assistant (prae doc) at the University of Vienna. 

Research Interests: Archaeologies of Internment, 20th Century Material Culture, Methods and Theories in Historical Archaeology.

Current Research Project: Spaces, borders and accessibility in National Socialist forced camps in the context of historical-archaeological sources
The project will examine spatial differentiations and boundaries in Nazi forced camps. By means of a transdisciplinary approach involving a broad base of different source categories, the internal structure of concentration camps and forced labour camps as well as their embedding in the environment will be analysed with regard to accessibility and prohibited areas. The focus will be on the spatial perspectives and perceptions of the prisoners, the guards and the regional civilian population.


  • Wohltätigkeit, Selbsthilfe und organisierte Geselligkeit. Entwicklung, Funktion und Differenzierung des Vereinswesens. In: Oliver Kühschelm, Elisabeth Loinig, Stefan Eminger u. Willibald Rosner (Hrsg.), Niederösterreich im 19. Jahrhundert, Band 2: Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft. Eine Regionalgeschichte der Moderne, St. Pölten 2021, 349–379. (peer reviewed)

  • gemeinsam mit Claudia Theune, Thomas Atzmüller, KG Oberpetersdorf, FÖ 58/2019 (Wien 2021), 79-80 und D772-D782.
  • Städtische Repräsentation und bürgerliche Kultur. In: Oliver Kühschelm (Hrsg.), Zwettl im 19. Jahrhundert = Geschichte der Stadt Zwettl, Teil 3, hrsg. von Stefan Eminger, Oliver Kühschelm, Friedel Moll, Josef Prinz, Martin Scheutz u. Roman Zehetmayer im Auftrag der Stadtgemeinde Zwettl (Manuskript, Zwettl 2020), www.zwettl.gv.at/Kultur_in_Zwettl.
  • gemeinsam mit Claudia Theune u. Thomas Atzmüller, KG Hintstein, FÖ 57/2018 (Wien 2020), D4481-D4489
  • gemeinsam mit Claudia Theune u. Thomas Atzmüller, KG Hintstein, FÖ 56/2017 (Wien 2019), 338-339 und D4208-D4215
  • Material remains of telecommunication at the forced labour camp in Kirchbichl (Tyrol, Austria). Historische Archäologie 4/2017. (peer reviewed)

Herbert Krammer




Study of history (BA, 2011–2014) and historical research, historical auxiliary sciences and archival science at the University of Vienna (MA, 2014–2018) and Basel (spring-term 2015); employment at the library and since January 2020 part-time employment in the archive of Klosterneuburg Abbey; since October 2020 praedoc (affiliated to the Institute of Austrian Historical Research) and doctoral fellow of the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies; participation in several projects, including the FWF projects Visions of Community (2016–2019), Illuminated Charters (2016, 2019) and Soziale Netzwerke im spätmittelalterlichen Wien. Geschlecht, Verwandtschaft und Objektkultur (2018–2020). 

Research Interests: Comparative Urban History in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Age, Digital Prosopography, Historical Network Analysis, Austrian Regional History

Current Research Project: Großes Kloster, kleine Stadt. Verflechtungen städtischer Gruppen und geistlicher Institutionen am Beispiel von Klosterneuburg im späten Mittelalter (working title)
Taking the Late Medieval town of Klosterneuburg in the Austrian Danube region (situated north of Vienna) as an example, my PhD-thesis is conceived as a case-study on practices of social cohesion and various entanglements of urban elites. It aims at focusing on social and horizontal mobility of various groups of Klosterneuburg as well as on their property management, administrative functions, marital alliances and strategies of religious endowments from the late 14th until the early 16th century.


  • 1) Mit Christina Lutter, Judit Majorossy und Daniel Frey: Kinship, Gender and Spiritual Economy in Medieval Central European Towns, in: History and Anthropology 32 (2021) 249-270, online: https://doi.org/10.1080/02757206.2021.1905246
  • 2) Grundbesitz und Klosterwirtschaft der Wiener Zisterzienserinnen von St. Niklas im späten Mittelalter, in: NÖLA. Mitteilungen des Niederösterreichischen Landesarchivs 19 (2020), 261–306;
  • 3) Zwettler Ratsprotokolle 1588-1589 und 1590-1591/92. Eine landesfürstliche Stadt im Zeichen der einsetzenden Gegenreformation (Forschungen zur Landeskunde von Niederösterreich 41, St. Pölten 2019).

Hamida Sivac



What first brought me to Vienna, after finishing High School in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were my architectural studies at the Technical University of Vienna. It was there that I gained an interest in the arts and art history, which has since become my main field of research. Upon completing a master thesis on the concepts of interpicturality and collectivity in the Russian Avant-garde at the University of Vienna, I have continued to pursue my interest in art history in my current position as a pre-doc University Assistant at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the Department of Art History at the University of Vienna.

Research Interests: My main research focus lies in the investigation of cultural and visual developments throughout the 1970s that can be linked to discourses evolving around language, identity, materiality, and feminism. In addition to that, drawing from my architectural background, I am also involved in the study of social aspects of urban spaces.

Current Research Project: The Feminist Critique of Language in the Visual Arts from the late 1960s until the early 1980s 
With my PhD project “The Feminist Critique of Language in the Visual Arts from the late 1960s until the early 1980s” I intend to uncover the neglected category of language-critique in feminist art practice during Second-wave Feminism. Departing from philosophical, linguistic, and psychoanalytical theories, which put language at the center of processes of subject-formation and reality in general, some female artists started to question their status in society and culture as it is being constructed through this very medium of language. In consequence, artists like Martha Rosler, Mary Kelly, Valie EXPORT, Katalin Ladik, and Ketty La Rocca among many others, have produced a significant number of artworks that deal with the problematics of linguistic representation through a multiplicity of artistic explorations of language and communication. The aim of my project is to generate, for the very first time, a synopsis of these different artistic approaches to language by investigating the specific strategies, methods, and media in use. Thereby, my analysis of this phenomenon is also invested in expanding the field of previous art historical research of feminist artistic practice by adding the unattended domain of the critique of language.


  • Several catalog-entries in Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Exhibition Space, collection catalog [Collection and Archive of the University of Applied Arts Vienna], Stefanie Kitzberger and Cosima Rainer (eds.), 2021. (forthcoming)
  • Subversive Syntax. Critique of language as an artistic method in Feminist Art of the mid-1970s, _Studies in Visual Arts and Communication - an international Journal_, Vol. 8/1 (2021), S. 35–47.
    (peer-reviewed) https://journalonarts.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/SVACij_Vol8_No1-2021_Sivac-Subversive_Syntax.pdf